Bekker - Software that Runs!
We develop business software and apps for Windows computers, Android phones and iPhones.
Our mission is to produce software that solves problems, runs fast, and is affordable.
Our software and apps comprise :
- Sider - Organize and View your Windows neat and easy on your screen with one click
- FileBoss - Fast File Finder for Windows and File Management to save, attach, open documents fast and search for files or search text in files
- MultiPaste - Copy and Paste unlimited text elements in one time and use them to paste in forms, websites, documents etc. Alternative for CTRL-C CTRL-V and ALT-TAB
- LandLord - Rental Property Management System, automizes the management of rented out properties for Landlords
- Mave Mail Vendor - Email Marketing and Email Harvesting Software that automises online sales with many unique features
- Pryer - Employee Monitoring Software
- Restarter - Restore your computer session with all open programs and documents after restarting your computer with one click. Or restore any saved state of the past
- Textractor - Extract text from Images, PDFs, Word or Excel documents
- FreightBoss - Logistics and Transport management system with accounting and sales online accessible for multiple offices
- Business Software Tools to speed up office tasks, save time and enhance productivity and increase work satisfaction
How we develop Business Software

We analyse business procedures by executing the job ourselves for some time. We then take note of problems that should be solved and time consuming tasks that should be automated.
While working in the business field we want to improve we analyse our work behaviour and question ourselves "Why is the work done this way?" or "Why do we feel irritation or tiredness before starting this task" or "Why does it take so long to finish this job?".
These and more questions identify the problem which is followed by brainstorming and ultimately a target solution.
It is only possible to find the need for software solutions if you yourself are actively involved in the business. This produces good software and real solutions for problems.
We are unique in our approach to detect and solve problems in businesses. Most software developers have no experience in the companies they try to improve and just have a dry knowledge of writing software with a certain input and a desired output.
That leads to "boring" software applications that do not solve a problem but sometimes even increase the problem.
An example is most invoicing software that requires that you introduce a lot of data before you can print your invoice.
Probably you can do it faster with a template in Word.
This is not the type of software we want to make.
We want all our applications to be original, different, problem solving and real work facilitators that give a sense of satisfaction and relief to our clients.
We never look at what the competition makes because it might send us on the wrong path and it will hamper our creativity.
Did you notice that all software and sites look similar nowadays ? Not with us.
We are proud to go our own way.

Our Customers
Our customers are small and medium sized businesses that want to improve their productivity or reduce or totally eliminate problems in business procedures.
We automise the parts of your business that are tedious and time consuming leaving you to focus on your core activity.
After implementing our software tools your office work will be more pleasant and your employees will be happier and more productive.
Prices and Licenses
Our prices are very competitive for our standard software products and they are one time fees. We do not charge monthly or yearly fees. You buy and get a license for the software as it is and buy it per computer.
Additional Features and Exclusive Software Development for Customers
We are available to modify our products or make new software on request for specific business procedures on the basis of exclusivity. For our standard software we offer installation and configuration support.
For specific configurations, changes, added features or complete new software products we can charge per task, project or development time.
Who | to find out more about us and our company. |
What | gives you information about the type software and applications we make. |
How | describes the programming languages we use. |
Products | lists the applications/software we made so far and gives links to the download pages. |